How to Flash WLED to your WT32-ETH01 microcontroller

Описание к видео How to Flash WLED to your WT32-ETH01 microcontroller

EDIT #1: Pins labeled incorrectly
At 2:07, I say to connect the TxD on the serial board to the RxD pin on the board (and visa versa), but the pinout diagram I have is mislabeled. It's the correct position, but the wrong label (Should be Rx0). It should be:

-) Serial card TxD - to - WT32-ETH01 Rx0 (IO3)
-) Serial card RxD - to - WT32-ETH01 Tx0 (IO1)

EDIT #2: New PIO Commands
At 4:35, I recommend installing the WLED dependency libraries first by using:
pio pkg install
This is very lengthy process since it runs through each environment and pulls everything down. However, you can shortcut this with the newer command:

pio pkg install -e esp32_eth

This is a new syntax and will only install libraries for the Ethernet ESP32 build. Thanks Graph Guy for pointing out the new syntax.

The WT32-ETH01 microcontroller is a main part of our pixel light show. Flashed with WLED, it allows us to preset default patterns for our show components as well as become a receiver when the xLights show is running.

Soldering and flashing can be intimidating at first, but with some direction, it becomes easy. In this video, we'll solder the pins on and flash WLED using VSCode and Platform IO.

Key hardware for this video is at:
-) JacobsParts WT32-ETH01 ESP32 Board -
-) TTL Module Serial Converter Adapter -

MS VSCode:
WLED GitHub:

You can also find a more in-depth dive for using VSCode to flash boards from Quindor here:
   • Intermit.Tech #13 - Compiling WLED fr...  

Table of Contents
00:00 - Intro
00:18 - Soldering Pins
01:27 - Attach adapter to Board
02:59 - Getting Ready to flash
04:48 - Flashing the board
06:57 - Configure WLED


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