
Описание к видео #009

आरती बाबा भूमणशाहजी उदासीन
Aarati of Baba Bhuman Shah Dev Udasin

बालयति और परमसिद्ध, भूमणशाहदेव महान।
मोह-माया-तम दुःखहर्ता को, बारम्बार प्रणाम।
Bālayati aur param siddha, Bhūman Shāh Dev mahān,
Moh-māyā-tam-dukh hartā ko, bārambār pranām. (Prelude)
(Prostrations again and again to the self-realized born ascetic,
The great Baba Bhuman Shah Dev,
The dispeller of darkness, ignorance and illusion,
The destroyer of infatuation and suffering.)

भूमण शाह की करें आरती, संत शिरोमणि देवा,
अड़सठ तीर्थ स्नान का फल दे, श्री चरनन की सेवा।
Bhūman Shāh kī karein āratī, sant shiromani devā.
Arhsath tīrth snān kā fal de, shrīcharanan kī sevā.
(Let us sing the ÁratÍ of Baba Bhuman Shah,
The Crest-jewel amongst sages,
Service unto whose holy feet,
Earns the merits of many pilgrimages.)

1. बालयति और बालसिद्ध प्रभो, शान्त सौम्य सुखकारी,
सत्-चित-आनन्द, प्रेम-सुधा निधि, दिव्य रूप मन हारी।
Bālyati aur bāl siddha prabho, shānt saumya sukha kārī.
Sat-chit-ānand, prem-sudhā nidhi, divya rūp man hārī.
O Lord, born celibate, serene, calm and sweet,
(Thou art the embodiment of absolute Existence,
Absolute Consciousness and absolute Bliss.
O treasure of Love divine,
Thy divine beauty is ever so charming.)

2. बाबा श्रीचन्द रूप तुम्हीं हो, अति करुणा अवतारा,
दुखियन सेवा, सिमरन हरि को, यह संदेश तुम्हारा।
Bābā Shrīchandra rūp tumhīn ho, ati karunā avatārā.
Dukhiyan sevā, simaran Hari ko, yaha sandesh tumhārā.
(Incarnated out of compassion unbound,
Thou art none other than Baba Shri Chandra.
Service of the poor and distressed,
And ceaseless remembrance of God is your teaching.)

3. समदर्शी और अन्तर्यामी, कोमल कृपानिधाना,
सब विधि समरथ, भक्त उधारन, प्रेम ज्ञान दो दाना।
Samadarshī aur antaryāmī, komal kripā nidhānā.
Sab vidhi samarath bhakt udhāran, prem-gyān do dānā.
(Omniscient and equanimous, serene and soft,
And a reservoir of grace,
O omnipotent Bhuman Shah,
The saviour of Thy devotees,
Pray, bless us with Thy love and knowledge.)

4. ज्ञान भक्ति और कर्मयोग से, पथ दरसावे भक्तन का,
दुराचार कुविचार मिटाकर, हरै मैल मल जन-जन का।
Gyān bhakti aur karma yog se, path darsāve bhaktan kā.
Durāchār kuvichār mitā kar, hare mail-mal jan-jan kā.
(Thou guideth and illumineth the path of the seekers
Through the yoga of devotion, yoga of knowledge and yoga of action. Purging us of our vicious
thoughts and deeds,
Thou art, Babaji, the great cleanser.)

5. विषय विकार मिटावन हारे, करुणामय गुण सागर,
तिमिर हटाकर, ज्योति जगाकर, अन्तर करे उजागर।
Vishay vikār mitāvan hāre, karunāmay gun sāgar.
Timir hatā kar jyoti jagā kar, antar kare ujāgar.
(O compassionate One, the destroyer of vices and wickedness,
An ocean of goodness and virtues.
Pray, banishing the darkness,
Enlighten our hearts with light divine.)

6. सत्य पुरुष, पितु-मात समाना, हे प्रभु सुहृद महाना,
हम बालक निर्बोध अजाना, कृपा करो भगवाना।
Satya-purush pitu-māt samānā, he Prabhu suhrid mahānā.
Ham bālak nirabodh ajānā, kripā karo bhagavānā.
(O great and dear friend, the true one,
Thou art our father and mother.
We, Thy ignorant children,
Beg for Thy grace.)

7. शुद्ध भाव और निर्मल बुद्धि, दो प्रभु दीन दयाला,
संयम शील नमरता दीजै, बिन कारण किरपाला।
Shuddha bhāv aur nirmal buddhi, do Prabhu dīn dayālā.
Sanyam shīl namartā dījai, bin kāran kirpālā.
(O Lord of the weak and the meek,
Without reason Thou art full of grace;
Bless us with the gifts of pure heart and intellect,
Modesty, humility, self-restraint and righteousness.)

8. दुःख संकट सब दूर हो जाये, शरण तेरी जो आये,
जो जन तेरी आरति गाये, भवसागर तर जाये।
Dukh sankat sab dūr ho jāye, sharan terī jo āye.
Jo jan terī āratī gāye, bhav sāgar tar jāye.
(All sufferings and afflictions are put to flight
When one takes refuge in Thee.Those who sing Thy ÁratÍ and glories with love and devotion, Swim across to safety in this ocean of mÁyÁ.)

9. दिव्यदृष्टि के देवन हारे, भगतन के रखवारे,
चन्द्र भरोसे पूरण सतगुरु, आवागमन निवारे।
Divya drishti ke devan hāre, bhaktan ke rakhavāre.
‘Chandra’ bharose pūran-sataguru, āvāgaman nivāre. (Beloved Bhuman Shah, Thou art the bestower of divine vision And the protector of Thy devotees.
Chandra Swami says: “O perfect Master! By Thy grace alone, I have demolished the cycle of birth and death forever.”)
– by Chandra Swami Udasin


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