Arnold aiStandardSurface Material settings on Maya 2019.

Описание к видео Arnold aiStandardSurface Material settings on Maya 2019.

Maya 2019(and more) Basic Material Settings for Arnold on aiStandardSurface: Displacement, Ambient Occlusion, Base Color, Specular, Roughness, Bump, and Normal map.

There is no audio explanation due to time constraints, but these are the basic material settings for the aiStandardSurface shader in Maya 2019. While fine-tuning may be necessary, please refer to these basic settings.

Key points include the Displacement map, its shape-side settings, and the connection between the Bump and Normal maps.

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   • Arnold aiStandardSurface Bump, Normal...  

音声解説無しですが、Maya 2019の aiStandardSurface 基本マテリアル設定です。


bamp, normal and mask mapping
   • Arnold aiStandardSurface Bump, Normal...  


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