Foreclosure Cleanout: Abandoned Foreclosed Drug House

Описание к видео Foreclosure Cleanout: Abandoned Foreclosed Drug House

Hey guys!
New video here: Cleaning DISGUSTING Abandoned Foreclosed Drug House (Satisfying)
If you've watched our other videos, you've seen us go to this house multiple times to inspect it, and we had to call the cops multiple times since they broke in on multiple occasions. We finally got the go-ahead to clean this disgusting abandoned foreclosed house. Took just over 6 hours but we got it done. Make sure to take a look at the before photos at the end of the video!

Also if you're new to the channel, we do foreclose property management. We manage properties for the bank until they get sold. We do anything from shovelling snow, basic maintenance and keeping an eye on foreclosed properties and properties that the homeowners are behind on payments. If you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you can be notified on all the newest videos that we will be posting. Thanks for watching!

#disgustinghouse #housecleaning #abandonedplaces

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