TF2 - Lan Trilogy - Insomnia43

Описание к видео TF2 - Lan Trilogy - Insomnia43


Finished the 3rd installment of my Lan Trilogy finally, got my editing time down to under a year now which is an improvement I guess.

The movie is a little different to the other 2 slightly different style, not sure if it works or not who knows its all a matter of taste. There is a distinct lack of game footage from the finals and this is because no one apart from quad recorded final demos and Multiplay in their infinite wisdom did not record STV.

Please feel free to upvote, like, favourite, subscribe, send money, chocolates, flowers etc all those good things it really does help spread the love of competitive tf2 and shows the world what a nice community of players we have here.

Download (High Visuals yo) Rapidshare link NL link (thanks ntraum) FB link (thanks Chris)


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