Raquel Palacios Vega y Joel Cruz Castellanos - El Cascabel ::Random Tea Session #56::

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The Random Tea Sessions Presents :: Raquel Palacios Vega y Joel Cruz Castellanos - El Cascabel::
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::Random Tea Session #56::

Joel Cruz Castellanos (of Los Cojolites, Los Vega)
Raquel Palacios Vega (of Los Vega, Caña Dulce y Caña Brava)
playing El Cascabel

A traditional son jarocho that speaks of the rattle of a rattlesnake, object which was used as a talisman of sorts. If you were gifted one from a culebrero, a healer with connection to snakes, then you could place it inside your instrument, for it to sound better, or simply pin it to your shirt to strengthen your singing. Sones jarochos are different than a "song" in which they vary every time they are played, and although they will follow a general framework, the melodies, rhythms, and versos will be drawn from a wide array of options, so will be rearranged and improvised upon every time. There are more than 150 sones just from the son jarocho tradition, each with hundreds, if not thousands of different verses, and with new ones being written every day.


Yo tenía mi cascabel
Y se lo puse a un pandero
Qué bonito que sonaba
Cuando lo tocaba El Güero

I had my rattle
And put it in a tambourine
It sounded so pretty
When El Güero would play it

Ay cómo rezumba y suena,
Rezumba y va rezumbando,
Tus amores, vida mía,
Son los que me están matando

Oh how it buzzes and sounds,
Buzzes and goes buzzing,
Your love, my dear,
Is what is killing me.

Ay solita y soledad
Soledad de los caminos
Que los besos en el aire
No llegan a su destino

Oh lonely solitude,
The solitude of journeys
The kisses blown into the air
Don't reach their destination.

Pude morir en enero
Por causa de un cruel amor
Más no morí, compañeros
Porque recé la oración
Que me enseñó un culebrero

I could have died in January
Because of a cruel love
But I didn't die, my friends,
Because I recited the prayer
That a culebrero taught me.

Ay, ay, ay, quiereme china
Quiéreme, no sean ingrata
Solíviame esta cadena
Mira que tu amor me mata

Oh, love me, dear
Love me, don't be ungrateful
Raise up this chain
See how your love kills me

Huye, huye, animalito
Huye por los acahuales
Por San Antonio del Monte
Señor de los animales.

Flee, flee, little animal,
Flee through the woods
For Saint Anthony of the Mountain
Lord of the animals

Ya me voy a despedir
Dándole vuelta a un cordel
Porque aquí se acaban ya
Los versos de El Cascabel

Now I'll say my goodbyes
Twisting a piece of twine
Because here's the end
Of the verses of El Cascabel

Ay, cómo rezumba y suena
Rezumba, rezumbador
Mi cascabel en la arena
Mi cascabel del amor

Oh, how it buzzes and sounds,
Buzzes, the buzzer,
My rattle in the sand,
My rattle of love.

Huye, huye, animalito
Huye por los acahuales
Con San Antonio de Padua
El rey de los animales

Flee, flee, little animal,
Flee through the woods
With Saint Anthony of Padua
The king of animals


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