Alunite and Pyrophillite

Описание к видео Alunite and Pyrophillite

Alunite and pyrophyllite are common in the alteration halos around sulphur rich epithermal gold and copper mineralization systems so learning to recognise them in the field is a useful exploration skill and understanding where they fit in these systems can help you vector towards the mineralized parts of the system. The full version of the video is part of the FieldCraft for Geologists course here:

0:00 Alunite and Pyrophyllite in Epithermal Systems.
0:32 Infill Alunite
1:38 Alteration Alunite
1:55 Supergene Alunite
2:18 Pyrophyllite
3:29 Epithermal and Porphyry Systems


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