უფალო შეგვიწყალენ - სამების გუნდი

Описание к видео უფალო შეგვიწყალენ - სამების გუნდი

თბილისის ყოვლადწმიდა სამების საკათედრო ტაძრის საპატრიარქო გუნდი - უფალო შეგვიწყალენ

ავტორი: უწმიდესი და უნეტარესი, სრულიად საქართველოს კათოლიკოს-პატრიარქი, მთავარეპისკოპოსი მცხეთა-თბილისისა და მიტროპოლიტი ბიჭვინთისა და ცხუმ-აფხაზეთის, ილია II

სოლისტი: პაატა ცეცხლაძე

The Patriarchal Choir of The Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi - Lord Have Mercy

Author: Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, the Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi and Metropolitan bishop of Abkhazia and Bichvinta, His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II.

Патриарший Хор Тбилисского Кафедрального Собора во имя Святой Живоначальной Троицы - Господи помилуй

Автор: Святейший и Блаженнейший Католикос-Патриарх всея Грузии, Архиепископ Мцхето-Тбилисский и митрополит Бичвинтский и Цхумо-Абхазский Илия II

The Katskhi pillar (Georgian: კაცხის სვეტი, kac'xis svet'i) is a natural limestone monolith located at the village of Katskhi in western Georgian region of Imereti, near the town of Chiatura. It is approximately 40 metres (130 ft) high, and overlooks the small river valley of Katskhura, a right affluent of the Q'virila.

The rock, with visible church ruins on its top surface of around 150 m2, has been venerated by locals as the Pillar of Life, symbolising the True Cross, and has become surrounded by legends. It remained unclimbed by researchers and unsurveyed until 1944 and was more systematically studied from 1999 to 2009. These studies revealed the early medieval hermitage, dating from the 9th or 10th century. A Georgian inscription paleographically dated to the 13th century suggests that the hermitage was still extant at that time. Religious activity associated with the pillar started to revive in the 1990s and the monastery building had been restored within the framework of a state-funded program by 2009.

1st and 2nd Photo by Levan Nioradze


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