The Latin America Asia Pacific Nexus - Enrique Dussel Peters [Shifting Sands Conference 2014]

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[PUBLIC LECTURE 2014] ANCLAS Conference 2014 - Exploring the Latin America-Asia Pacific Nexus

The 2014 Latin American and the Shifting Sands of Global Power Conference held by the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. The conference will explore the extent and nature of the Latin America-Asia Pacific nexus, focusing on the areas of economics, international relations and corruption and governance.

Latin America and the Asia-Pacific have rediscovered each other. In the wake of the global financial crisis, both regions have thrived while traditional economic centres have struggled. This has created a shift in focus, with Latin American businesses and policy makers looking beyond China to include other countries in the Asia-Pacific and vice versa. This growing mutual awareness is reflected in trade, investment and tourism, leading to an enhanced sense of trans-Pacific opportunities.

Enrique Dussel Peters (UNAM)

Enrique Dussel Peters is a Professor of Economics at the National Autonomous University in Mexico (UNAM) where he directs the China Mexico Institute. His teaching, research and consultancy work has concentrated on the theory of industrial, development, political economy and economic development organization, as well as in the manufacturing sector, international and regional commerce development in Mexico. He has received several distinctions, including the 1998 James H. Street Visiting Latin American Scholar, which was given by the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) of the Allied Social Science Association and, in 2004, the distinction from the National University for Young Academics in the Economic-Administrative Science Area, granted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


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