牙周脓肿与牙槽脓肿怎样鉴别 韩燕 中国中医科学院西苑医院

Описание к видео 牙周脓肿与牙槽脓肿怎样鉴别 韩燕 中国中医科学院西苑医院

牙周脓肿与牙槽脓肿怎样鉴别 韩燕 中国中医科学院西苑医院

How to distinguish periodontal abscess from alveolar abscess
The lesions of periodontal abscess are mainly located near the gingival margin, The alveolar abscess is located on the apical side, So alveolar abscesses are more diffuse, In addition, periodontitis in the crown is generally without caries in the crown is not damaged. And alveolar abscess is often caused by caries, Acute complications of periapical periodontitis, The pulp vitality of periodontal abscess is generally OK, That is to say, he usually has vital teeth, Induced periodontal disease, And alveolar abscess is periapical periodontitis caused by caries, So the pulp is mostly necrotic, In our clinical examination, we can judge the periapical problems by the pulp symptoms, It's also a periodontal abscess, In addition, it can also be found whether the lesions are periapical or periodontal, It's also important that the teeth with periodontal abscess have deep periodontal pockets, The depth of periodontal pocket in alveolar abscess is not so deep, A painful drug for percussion of a alveolar abscess, It is often better than percussion pain of periodontal abscess.


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