AP145 Beading Tool Instructional Video

Описание к видео AP145 Beading Tool Instructional Video

The Parker Beading Tool has been the number one choice of beading tools for mechanics to make clamp beads in metal tubes. To this day, no other beading tool even comes close to matching its quality.

For many years we were the sole supplier of these beading tools as a surplus product. Our supply was exhausted, but our customers insisted that we take steps to bring the Parker Beading Tool back.

So we’ve tooled up to recreate this classic beading tool in every detail. And in the process we’ve added a few enhancements of our own, such as ground, hardened, and polished surfaces for mar-free beads in aluminum, copper, brass, and mild steel tubes ranging from 1/4" to 1" diameter.

Meets MILSPEC MS33660D and SAE AS5131 standards.


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