Street preaching Toronto - Death hits close to home ***Pray for mocker's awakening***

Описание к видео Street preaching Toronto - Death hits close to home ***Pray for mocker's awakening***

The bible says that, "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment." Hebrews 9:27

Every one of us have exposure to death. Every one of us will one day die. When death comes calling for you, will you be ready to meet God?

There are only two destinations for each person - that is Heaven and Hell and what determines your destiny is whether you die in Christ or in your sins.

We are all by nature in our sins, and consequently subject to condemnation. You can be in Christ if you are willing, as a lost sinner, to believe the Gospel.

***Pray for the man mocking. He makes light of eternity and needs to be awakened to his danger.


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