Most Downloaded Awesome Titles in WWE 2K18! (WWE, NJPW, ROH)

Описание к видео Most Downloaded Awesome Titles in WWE 2K18! (WWE, NJPW, ROH)

Here are the Most Downloaded Awesome Titles / belts on WWE 2K18! community creations. These include championships from WWE, TNA, NJPW and ROH.

Please note the Smackdown vs RAW title belt was disqualified from this video due to the logo glitch rendering the upload unusable. The creator details for each championship can be found in the video. Additional credits for community created wrestlers and arenas can be found below.

PS4 Community Creations also featured;
Kenny Omega, Tanahashi, Okada, Cody Rhodes by Defract.
Drew Mccintyre by Rell7thirty.
Young Bucks by RyeeDee.
Helms by forsake710
Impact Wrestling 2018 arena by lewisfcb.
ROH venue by sienar7.


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