Boardgame with Centlus: How to Play Hail Hydra

Описание к видео Boardgame with Centlus: How to Play Hail Hydra

Before you watch Endgame, let's learn how to Hail Hydra. You and your friends team up as Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. heroes to save New York City! But wait — your fellow heroes may be villainous HYDRA operatives in your midst!

Use social deduction to determine who is a secret HYDRA agent and who is truly loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. If you succeed, you and your fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. heroes will save the city! If the city is destroyed, HYDRA wins.

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*We do not owe any of the music clips, the right belongs to Marvel Studio. Music used: "The Avengers", "Help Arrives", "Catch", "He Won't Come Out", "A lot to Figure Out", "Antman", "Avengers Endgame Trailer Music"


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