MSA Animatic: Lewis' Lack of a Lower Jaw

Описание к видео MSA Animatic: Lewis' Lack of a Lower Jaw


I heard this amazing and hilarious audio file created by the talented Austin Lee Matthews (Amtrax) with the following description:

'An AU where Lewis’ lack of lower jaw makes him sound like Sir Dan from Medievil (which is to say, you can’t understand a fucking thing he says without subtitles).'

Austin provided a rough translation of what he was saying:

“Arthur! ARTHUR! I’ve come for revenge, Arthur. You killed [idk], Arthur… Now I’m here to kill YOU, Arthur. I SAID YOU FUCKING KILLED ME ARTHUR. Ugh… You… YOU. Killed me. NOOO. YOU KILLED ME ARTHUR! Okay. You pushed me off a cliff. And then I fell. And I went splat. And now I’m a ghost here to haunt you til the end of your days Arthur! You will rue the day [intentionally unintelligable gibberish]. AAAAAAAAAAGGHH!!!!!”

It made me laugh so much that I asked permission to make an animatic out of it. I really enjoyed working on this! Be sure to check out the amazing Mystery Skulls Animated videos created by Ben Mangum and visited Austin's Twitter @AmtraxVA


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