Light Language Blessing: Good/Healthy Air Quality

Описание к видео Light Language Blessing: Good/Healthy Air Quality

This light language transmission is an energetic blessing of Love and Light for healthy air quality around our bodies and the world. Breathable air that is good and clean is essential to living a life of abundance, health, and overall well-being. If you spend most of your days indoors for work then this light language will greatly assist in cleansing the air particles within your space, whether it is at home or an office building, etc. for your optimum health. You can play this recording out loud via speakers or through headphones as the energy will go where it is intended to flow. Allow the blessings of Love and Light improve the air quality in your reality and cleanse the world of airborne pollution and chemicals that are not promoting life and vitality in this moment. This blessing sends extra energy to locations around the world affected by radiation and nuclear fallout, wildfires and chemical fires, and generally towards our more industrial-heavy locations contributing to pollution in this modern age of consumption.
For more information and to download the MP3 of this audio for free, please visit

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Thank you for all of your Love and Support!


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