GCSE Chemistry Revision "Atomic Number and Mass Number"

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In this video, we look at the atomic number and mass number. First, I explain why atoms have no overall charge, in terms of the number of electrons and protons. We then look at how we use the atomic number to determine the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Next, we explore how to calculate the number of neutrons in the nucleus by using the mass number and the atomic number. We then explore the definition of an isotope and I illustrate this using the examples of carbon and chlorine. Finally, I discuss the definition of an ion and show you how to calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in both positive ions and negative ions.

This video is based on the AQA spec. This video may be appropriate for iGCSE / O Level Chemistry. Please consult your specification. The Amazon link above is an affiliate link. This provides a small commission which helps to support freesciencelessons. The cost remains the same to you. If you prefer not to use this, you can search Amazon for the Freesciencelessons workbooks.


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