Rush - YYZ Guitar Cover (Outdated 2021 Cover)

Описание к видео Rush - YYZ Guitar Cover (Outdated 2021 Cover)

Sorry the guitar tone sucks here.


Assessment 1: Video Recorded Performance - BA Commercial Music due 15/12/21
Grade: 60/100
"Feedback to Learner
13/01/22 08:48
YYZ - Rush

Best Features

- an ambitious choice of piece. A reasonably accurate rendition of the original with some good stylistic awareness.

- the solo borrows well from the original. There is a good sense of style here.

- tones are considered, with some good use of gain and reverb; the pinched harmonics work well, though might have been more consistent across the phrase (as on the original)

Suggestions for Improvement

- take care with accuracy on the faster passages, there are some occasional fumbles. Aim to keep the playing tight, as on the original. Take care with chord rhythm passages that they are precise too.

- your part sits effectively with the backing track for the most part, although the backing track is quite low quality on the video and the overall impact of the performance would have benefitted from higher quality audio.

- legato passages might have been a bit more precise, with more flow/fluency.

- presentationally, a bit more consideration might have been given to the background and context of the recording. The video lacks definition, so while it is roughly in sync it is difficult to pick out any detail of how the guitar part is being played accurately.

- the track cuts off just before the end, this is a shame as it take away from the overall effectiveness of the performance. (The last phrase is missing).

Issues for future assessments

- try to take a bit more care with presentation Ryan. The playing here is solid, but the presentation of it would benefit from a bit more consideration both in terms of the performance space you are in as well as the syncing of the video to audio. I’m not sure what the technical issue with the video is, but try to aim for a more polished final product when producing videos of yourself playing."


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