Bringing Forth Books Into The World: A Journey With Paul Millerd

Описание к видео Bringing Forth Books Into The World: A Journey With Paul Millerd

Discover the challenges, triumphs, and behind-the-scenes stories that accompany the birth of a book, and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to navigate the pathless path of writing and publishing.

About the Book:

The Pathless Path is an exploration of finding oneself in the wrong life and the subsequent journey of figuring out how to truly live. Through personal experiments, global travels, and the support of a diverse community, Paul Millerd shares the principles that guided him from burnout to a fulfilling life. This book is a beacon for anyone considering a career change, embracing an unconventional path, or seeking new perspectives on work and life.

About the Author:

Paul Millerd, once on a conventional path with a prestigious consulting firm, chose to walk away and embrace a pathless path. Now an independent writer, freelancer, coach, and digital creator, Paul has built a global audience of curious individuals. His journey from strategy consulting to a fulfilling life of writing and creating serves as an inspiration for many navigating their unique paths.


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