
Описание к видео #StreetPrize

Three neighbours in Great Stukeley have won £30,000 thanks to their lucky postcode, PE28 4AQ, being announced as the winner of Sunday's Street Prize. Learn more about the win at https://www.postcodelottery.co.uk/win...

Scott was joined by his wife Kate when he was presented with the prize. Kate said, "It only began to feel real that we'd won something when we saw Jeff walking up to the door with the big red jacket on! I still can't stop looking at the cheque – this sort of thing doesn't happen to us.

"Realistically, I think the money will go on some new windows for the house to stop us from being freezing cold this winter. I think Scott would like a motorbike too, and I'd like a van!"

Not playing yet? It takes just two minutes to sign up for your subscription. Millions of pounds in prizes are won every month! Plus, you'll be supporting a range of amazing charities, with 32% of the ticket price going to good causes. Sign up now and see what you can win at https://www.postcodelottery.co.uk/play


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