Designing Silk-Silk Protein Alloy Materials For Biomedical Applications l Protocol Preview

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Designing Silk-silk Protein Alloy Materials for Biomedical Applications - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

Xiao Hu, Solomon Duki, Joseph Forys, Jeffrey Hettinger, Justin Buchicchio, Tabbetha Dobbins, Catherine Yang
Rowan University, Department of Physics and Astronomy; Rowan University, Department of Biomedical and Translational Sciences; Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Rowan University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry;

Blending is an efficient approach to generate biomaterials with a broad range of properties and combined features. By predicting the molecular interactions between different natural silk proteins, new silk-silk protein alloy platforms with tunable mechanical resiliency, electrical response, optical transparency, chemical processability, biodegradability, or thermal stability can be designed.

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