The future of black hole physics

Описание к видео The future of black hole physics

I spoke to some of the world's leading experts in black hole physics about the future fo the field and how we might test exotic new ideas and probe the deepest secrets of nature. This was all filmed at the black holes inside and out conference in Copenhagen.
A link to the information paradox film is here:    • Hawking vs Penrose: Black Hole inform...  
and to black hole alternatives here:
   • 5 Black Hole Alternatives & how to fi...  
A timeline is below:
2:42 Future of EHT(Event Horizon Telescope)
4:17 LIGoO
5:58 Ringdown signal
6:40 Future ground-based detectors, Einstein telescope, and Cosmic Explorer
9:27 LISA, the space-based detector
11:00 Resolving the Hubble tension with standard sirens
13:15 black holes and the early universe
14:14 pulsar timing arrays
14:39 After LISA
15:32 Atom interferometers
17:00 Back to the moon
17:40 Quantum gravity in the lab
19:57 Is the 3rd law wrong?
24:31 Testing GR with black hole spectroscopy
27:00 holography
28:12 smartholes
29:10 information paradox
34:15 quantum black holes
35:21 black hole echoes
35:57 singularity resolution
38:42 loopy black holes
40:20 Stringy black holes
42:12 Putting it to the test


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