Is this the photographer's mid-life crisis? Vintage Glass Helios Lens

Описание к видео Is this the photographer's mid-life crisis? Vintage Glass Helios Lens

Is buying a vintage lens to stick on the front of a modern digital camera the photography equivalent of a mid-life crisis?!

Possibly! I've succumbed to a class Soviet built Helios lens and I've been mildly obsessed by it for a couple of weeks now. The focus is hard, most of the frame is soft, the bokeh can be vomit inducing, if the sun even glances at it the entire image flares out! I love it!!

I found stills super absorbing, the middle of the lens is actually nice and sharp so that informs the composition. This particular lens is a cine-mod so the aperture ring is declicked and a couple of rubber toothed bands have been fitted so I've been able to pair it with the DJI Ronin gimbal and control the focus. The other modification is an anamorfake conversion. Essentially an orange oval insert with a piece of fishing wire. The effect is similar to a proper anamorphic lens providing a line flare when hit by direct light. Gimmicky yes, but a lot of fun 🤣

Everything that is terrible about this lens is ultimately what makes it great! Mass produced by the USSR you can obtain one very cheaply and the adapter to Sony is cheap too. The lack of anti-flare coating provides endless flarey nonsense that other people have to buy photoshop overlays for! Frankly I just like the look it provides, it has given be joy in use and makes me excited to pick up my camera.

What more could you want from a mid-life crisis?!

NB: This is a car crash production and I do apologise! I've become over confident in my little DJI Mics having had no trouble from them at all and this time it died early in exposition! Then in my rush to lay down some voice over I forgot to readjust the levels so that doesn't sound great either. Any way thank you for your patience if you've made it thus far. I really enjoy and want to get these videos out consistently but life and professional pressures often lead to everything being done in imaginary time and not to the standard I want! One day it will all come together!!

#photography #vintage #helioslens


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