Flight Formula: Innova XCaliber

Описание к видео Flight Formula: Innova XCaliber

One of the greatest aspects of disc golf is the ability to hit the course in any weather. Rain, shine, sleet, or snow; a round can be played. Many disc golfers adjust some of the discs in their bags to accommodate such conditions. Swapping to grippier putters for the rain or busting out the GStar when it's cold are all great ways to fight the elements, but what do you do when your favorite driver starts flipping in an ungodly headwind?

This is where the Innova XCaliber takes the reins. Sitting at [12|5|0|4], this disc is made for those who channel Arthurian power into their drives and need a reliable fade in extra windy settings. The wide, concave lower rim, and moderately flat dome result in an extremely overstable flight that can handle the torque of even the worthiest of wielders.

With a speed rating of [12] and glide of [5], the XCaliber loves to soar through the sky while its [0] turn and [4] fade keep things extremely predictable, even if that pesky wind is ripping.

Moderate arm-speed players will appreciate the XCaliber’s ability to get around objects, regardless of winds, and how versatile it is when it comes to the scramble.

Power throwers rely on the XCaliber’s fade, even in extreme winds, but the XCal has much more to offer. Skip shots, spike-hyzers, and flex forehands are all lines that the XCaliber tackles with ease.

If you have the power of King Arthur himself, you should carry a disc suited for a royal arm. Find your destiny and fulfill your birthright with the Innova XCaliber.




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