Let's Talk Butt Stuff

Описание к видео Let's Talk Butt Stuff

Join @Jearlean Taylor (USA), @crohnsostomylife (Australia) and @Faizel Jacobs (South Africa) live on our platforms (Facebbok, Instagram and Youtube) for a series of talk they calling Let's Talk Butt Stuff.

In this #Webinar they calling Let's Talk Butt Stuff, they will be chatting all things #Stoma as they take you on a journey to educate and debunk myths related to living life as an #Ostomate.

#SASS #southafricansocietyofostomates #stoma #ostomyjourney #colostomy #ileostomy #urostomy #nurse #patient #ostomycare #ostomyawareness #ostomates #sasstomates #ostomyproud #supportgroups #byostomatesforostomates #ostomatesguide #sasssupportgroup #lifestylestomatips #Crohns #Colitis #IBD #BowelCancer #OstomatesRightsareHumanRights


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