গীতা - Gita 94 (Bengali) | Three types of people | XVIII.23-28 | Swami Samarpanananda

Описание к видео গীতা - Gita 94 (Bengali) | Three types of people | XVIII.23-28 | Swami Samarpanananda

There are three types each of people and their work.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita, or more popularly, Gita belongs to the Bhishma Parva of the epic Mahabharata, and is in dialogue from between Sri Krishna and Arjuna just before the battle of Kurukshetra was to take place. Over the years it has become the spiritual and philosophical heartbeat of India. The best that India has to give to the world in the fields of wisdom, religion, philosophy and spirituality is Gita.
Every practising Hindu makes it a point to recite from it daily, every philosophical Hindu tries to study and understand the work, and every mystic Hindu strives to mould his life according to Gita.

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