Lyric Coloratura Soprano Chloe Lankshear - Example Reel (Long)

Описание к видео Lyric Coloratura Soprano Chloe Lankshear - Example Reel (Long)

00:00 Role of 'Fortuna' - excerpts from 'Giustino' by Legrenzi with Pinchgut Opera starring Nicholas Tamagne, Sydney
01:56 'Salve Regina' by Monteverdi - Excerpt from 'Spiritual Forest' concert program with Pinchgut Opera, Sydney. Second soprano: former Exaudi Vocal Ensemble soprano, Amy Moore.
02:18 'Rejoice' from Handel's 'Messiah' - self-styled ornaments of Da Capo section - excerpt from performance with Choir of St James', Kings Street, Sydney
02:54 'Quia Respexit' from Bach's 'Magnificat' - excerpt with Maestro Stephen Layton and Sydney Symphony Orchestra
03:48 'Tornami a Vaggeghiar' from Handel's opera 'Alcina' - excerpt of self-styled ornamentation of Da Capo section in concert with Pinchgut Opera for benefactor's event, Opera Australia, Sydney
04:42 'Tristes Apprets' from Rameau's opera 'Castor et Pollux' - excerpt of self-styled ornamentation of Da Capo section, in recital with pianist Alan Hicks
05:55 Madrigal by Barbara Strozzi - excerpt from Pinchgut Opera's film 'A Delicate Fire', performed with Nicholas Jones (Tenor), David Greco (Baritone), Keara Donohoe (Mezzo Soprano), Taryn Fiebig (2nd Soprano)
06:39 'Cares of Lovers' by H. Purcell - excerpt audio only in recital with pianist Alan Hicks
08:04 'Amor' by R. Strauss - excerpts in recital with Alan Hicks (Covid performance)
09:07 'Durch Zärtlichkeit und Schmeichlen' from Mozart's opera 'Die Entführung aus dem Serail' - excerpts in recital (audio only) with pianist Alan Hicks
09:45 'Ariettes Oubliees' by C. Debussy - excerpt of pre-concert rehearsal (from social media) in recital as part of Canberra Symphony Orchestra's chamber series, Canberra
10:11 'Becoming Beatrix' advertisement - curated program based on the life of Beatrix Potter in recital with Francis Greep and The Song Company, Sydney | Excerpts 'Birds' - Sally Whitwell (Australian), 'Le Rossignol - C. Debussy, 'Warble for lilac time' - Elliot Carter.
11:35 'Pie Jesu' from G. Faure's 'Requiem' - excerpt from concert with Sydney Philharmonia Choirs and Orchestra, Sydney Town Hall.
12:39 'Treegrave' from Paul Stanhope's 'Requiem' - excerpt of aria from world premier performance with Sydney Chamber Choir, conducted by Paul Stanhope, alongside QSO principal harpist Emily Granger and Omega Ensemble clarinetist David Roweden (Archival footage)
13:28 'Death ariette' from 'Once I played Ophelia' - excerpt from Brett Dean's opera 'Hamlet' - (audio only) self-contained chamber work. Taken in recital with violinist Matthew Greco
14:31 'Never Blood so Red' from Brett Dean's 'Tracks and Traces' - in recital with leading UK based Mezzo Soprano Lotte Betts-Dean, international soprano 'Amy Moore' and the female core of Luminescence Chamber Singers.


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