KUA MUSIC【That's What God Looks Like To Me / 那就是上帝】聶雲

Описание к видео KUA MUSIC【That's What God Looks Like To Me / 那就是上帝】聶雲

#KUA_MUSIC​ #WORSHIP​ #ThatsWhatGodLooksLikeToMe #那就是上帝
【That's What God Looks Like To Me / 那就是上帝】

One day as I walked with my son hand in hand
He said there are things that I don't understand
How high is the sky what makes it so blue
And tell me Dad
what does God look like to you

I said
He looks like a rainbow, just after the rain
He's as golden as wheat dancing over the plain
He looks like the star when the night's crystal clear
He looks like a baby when mother is near

His face is the moonlight reflected on snow
His hair like garden where all flowers grow
His heavenly eyes are as true as the sea
My son that's what God really looks like

His heart like a mountain so vast and so strong
That's why all his children have room to belong
His smile is the morning we waken to see
But you my son
you are what God really looks like to me

收看【聶雲Dennis 聊聊真心話】→    • 【聶雲Dennis 聊聊真心話】看不到神,要怎麼相信祂?!  

★ 更多歌曲 →    • KUA MUSIC【祂為了我們 / We Are The Reason】K...  

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那就是上帝|That's What God Looks Like To Me
詞/曲:Lois Irwin | Lan O'Kun
℗1980 Frank Sinatra Enterprises, LLC
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