February 3, 2022 – Palladianism in Britain and Ireland

Описание к видео February 3, 2022 – Palladianism in Britain and Ireland


View the lecture slides here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19K73...

Speaker: Dr. Steven P. Brindle
Interlocutor: Dr. Gordon Higgott

Andrea Palladio has had a major influence on architecture in the British Isles, as in North America, but what exactly is English, British or Irish Palladianism? Steven Brindle considers the nature of Palladio’s influence, through his Four Books, his architectural drawings and his buildings. This story began with the careers of Inigo Jones and John Webb, but Palladio’s ideas arrived by other routes, were mixed with other influences, and were always used selectively by clients and designers. Some historians have questioned whether British Palladian architecture really exists. Brindle argues that it does, but that it represented a new 17th and 18th century phenomenon that drew on a variety of sources, adapted to suit British and Irish tastes and requirements.


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