Blitzkrieg BH-RT Custom mission - The Cauldron of Briansk

Описание к видео Blitzkrieg BH-RT Custom mission - The Cauldron of Briansk

Forested area near Briansk, September 30, 1941. General Guderian’s panzers are advancing towards Moscow as part of Operation “Typhoon”. Strong enemy curtain fire is preventing further advances. The enemy has brought its artillery into position in the protecting boggy landscape thus making an attack by the main forces impossible. A German raiding patrol has worked its way up to the enemy artillery positions. You should be able to eliminate those artillery emplacements and destroy all guns by cleverly coordinating the raiding patrol and also making use of artillery and the German Luftwaffe. Act quickly though. The German panzers have caught the enemy by surprise but now he’s in the process of bringing AA-guns into position. You should also get a Ju-52 to drop a sniper behind enemy lines.


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