So Many Birds In Ecuador

Описание к видео So Many Birds In Ecuador

There are so many amazing birds here in Ecuador. I visited some beautiful places: Refugio Paz de Las Aves, Zuro Loma Birding, Balcon Tumpiki, Reserva Mashpi-Amagusa, and the Birdwatchers House. The world is such a beautiful place. My trip to Ecuador was such a reminder of how important it is to preserve this planet's biodiversity. There are over 1600 different species of birds in Ecuador and I only saw a tiny fraction of them. Being in the rainforest is a magical experience. One of the places I stayed was at the end of a long dirt road through the cloud forest. Reserva Mashpi-Amagusa is home to one of my favorite birds of the trip, the Glistening-Green Tanager. It was a strange feeling when I crossed the part of the forest that had been cut into the reserve. The trees make their own weather and the fog is thick here making it difficult to photograph at times. In the clear-cut part of the forest where sugar cane now grows, I had been told that this area struggles with receiving enough rainfall. As I passed from a dry clearcut into a cloud forest with a constant drizzle, it was evident to me that the earth is a living organism, and how we take care of our home directly affects its health.

Reawakening' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
Within Our Nature' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
Adrift Among Infinite Stars' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.

#wildlifephotography #ecuador #birding #wildlife #birdphotography #nature


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