Strengthening policing capabilities within the East African Community

Описание к видео Strengthening policing capabilities within the East African Community

The EAC region faces ongoing challenges from terrorism and crossborder crimes.

While the EAC Common Market serves to accelerate economic growth through the free movement of persons, goods and capital, it makes regional cooperation among the EAC partner countries more important than ever, in order to effectively control borders and thereby prevent and detect irregular movements, criminal activities and terrorism.

The goal of the I-EAC Project is to strengthen policing capabilities in the member countries of the East African Community (EAC) – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – by increasing connectivity to INTERPOL’s secure, global police communications network (I-24/7) and interoperability between EAC national systems and INTERPOL databases.

The I-EAC Project also complements other INTERPOL projects in the region to ensure maximal use of resources and avoid duplication.


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