Sympathy vs Empathy! What is the Difference?

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Join Hosts Anne & Care'n on Wednesday June 12th 2024
"Sympathy vs Empathy! What is the Difference?"
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Sympathy vs Empathy
What are the subtle differences between empathy and sympathy? Why do we experience both, and how can we improve on that experience?

The word ‘sympathy’ is described as an expression of feelings of pity or sorrow for another’s misfortunes; it comes mostly from the ego.

The description of empathy is the ability to feel and understand others’ feelings, the ability to convey that feeling to the person who is suffering; it comes from the heart.

Read the full article at

Sympathy vs. Empathy: Understanding the Nuances of Human Connection

Sympathy: A Shared Sorrow Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sorrow for someone else’s misfortune. It involves recognizing another person’s emotional hardships and offering comfort and concern. Sympathetic responses do not require one to have experienced the same situation; rather, it’s about acknowledging the struggle and expressing condolences or sadness.

Empathy: Walking in Another’s Shoes Empathy, on the other hand, goes a step further. It’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Empathy involves putting oneself in someone else’s position and experiencing their emotions as if they were your own. It’s not just about recognizing the emotions but also about feeling them.

Read the full article at

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