Bad Liar/Happier (klance animatic)

Описание к видео Bad Liar/Happier (klance animatic)

I finally posted this! yay!
Songs: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons
Happier by Bastille
Remix by Adamusic

So the whole reason I feel this took so long is that I've been kind of in an art block I guess. I've still been drawing things every day, but I've just not been very motivated to do all the projects I want to do. And I have SO many of them (animatics, my own comics, a two klance comic series that I hope to post eventually and other art in general) I just procrastinate a lot and I get hard on myself for not working on projects. Finally, thanks to spring break I was able to just power through it and I know once I post this I'll be able to get into the swing of things again. Not that I've had an actual schedule, but this time I'm going to have my friends and brother hold me accountable. The only way I'm going to do them is if I JUST DO IT. I won't be able to get myself out of the awful mindset I've been in if I don't do something about it. So yeah sorry this is late, but the next video will probably be the klance bubbline moments video I mentioned before in that poll from forever ago.

Besides procrastination and depression, it's mainly me struggling with my sexuality. I've shipped these two since season 4 and it was around November when I started to question my sexuality and then I got a kinda crush on one of my friends. It's just that I'm not sure If I'm bi or not. I'm not far enough into my life to know for sure. I've only had three crushes in my life and each time I've had a really tough time figuring out if its a crush except for the first one cause he literally said 'do you want a kiss' and handed me a Hershey kiss. I'm pretty sure I'm demisexual cause when I first saw it it immediately made sense for me, but I'm in crazy denial about being bi. My family's supportive (mostly) but I still can't help but cry way too much about it because I don't know for sure. This is what kind of lead me into being hesitant to posting because I got to thinking why I really ship these two. They have a really similar dynamic to spitfire which is a straight ship in yj but ever since I first found klance I've found BL and GL comics on Webtoon and just fell in love with them. I can't help but feel like I'm not just an ally I feel like I could like girls too, but it's just the frustrating voice in my head that doubts myself with everything I do that makes me so miserable about it.

So yeah that's my word vomit for today. I'm going back to school tomorrow and we're supposed to write a rant for the Catcher and the Rye. I think I know what I'm going to write about.


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