JPMRC 2024

Описание к видео JPMRC 2024

The United States Army’s Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center (JPMRC) conducted its largest Combat Training Center (CTC) rotation October 7-16, 2024, with exercises spanning from Alaska to Hawaii to Palau.
Military personnel from Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Maldives, New Zealand, Thailand and the United Kingdom joined U.S. forces for collaborative multidomain, live, virtual and constructive training that simulated complex challenges.
“Interoperability is one of the most important things that we can learn from this exercise because we are getting to work with not just one country but a lot of countries,” said Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Capt. Ali Shareef from the Marine Corps Special Operations Group. “So interoperability is going to take its maximum effect in this exercise.”
The JPMRC rotation demonstrated the U.S. Army’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its commitment to ensuring that the U.S. and its Allies and Partners are prepared for any challenge. In past years, the JPMRC’s three annual rotations have deployed multinational troops to Hawaii’s tropical and jungle terrain, Alaska’s arctic mountains, and to allied and partner nations including Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The U.S. Army established the JPMRC in 2022 as the first CTC outside the continental U.S. in 50 years. As the U.S. Army’s premier Indo-Pacific training center, the JPMRC helps ensure military readiness by providing a realistic training environment that mimics the region’s challenging terrain, ranging from jungles to high-altitude volcanic deserts to archipelagos. The training enables the U.S. and its Allies and Partners to demonstrate combat-credible forces in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.
“This allows us to keep trained and ready forces available and forward in the region,” Gen. Charles Flynn, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) commander, said in 2022. “It allows us to generate readiness in environments and in conditions that we’re most likely to operate in. … It allows us to rehearse with a number of joint and multinational partners.”
The JPMRC is a key opportunity for forces to train in austere environments, and to develop leaders, systems and processes that enhance regional capabilities.
During the recent rotation, multinational partners and U.S. Army units tackled the simulated environments to ensure they are prepared to operate cohesively in real-world situations.
The JPMRC format confers significant independence to participants training as opposing forces.


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