Kigusile Mulenda -Engwelete Official Video

Описание к видео Kigusile Mulenda -Engwelete Official Video


Weninga wacule m’mèsè anaba m’monya,

The only begotten son who came into the world as a Savior

Weninga waôile manga anahela lya manga,

The only begotten Son who humbled himself and got exalted to the highest place

Weninga waonjice luu anacúa na baû

The only begotten Son who tasted death and raised with the dead

Weninga waléle na batú anuma na luû Yesú.

The only begotten Son who ate with people after death: Jesus

Byabele mwikúlù wamwitú abele msoka,

He was without sin in Heaven

Byatecice makúlú hesé akalúile; ÉNGWÉLÉTÉ,EBOBA ‘yanahúa,

When He came into the world, he was made to be sin for us

Bosaka bwabele mwalé bwakalúile;

Though righteous, He made himself of no reputation

Bosonu, Búbe, Boyakani ayoyoyo.

evil, sinner, murder

Búkyembi bwabele mwalé bwakalúile;

The ministry of singing in him turned

Búkakinya,Búcucu,Búashi, miomo.

Sour, bitter and tasteless. Woe!

Olonda londa ÉNGWÉLÉTÉ taélé na meka,

Do not look for the monster with horns

Malé mabe, bosonú bwa balangamsenge.

The real monster is sin of men and their evil doing

‘Yaeta masénda na búsuku búhúe; Malé mabe, bosonu bwa balangamsenge.

The sin of men and their evil doing is what caused death

Weninga wane Yesú, mwami wa ane alamu Yesú, kéléshitú,

The only begotten Son, the King of my life is Jesus Christ

M’mocu húshishi na éhala, Lúbaléo na eshiá Yesú.

The old man with no bald head, the alpha and omega: Jesus

Unaandúúba wangene mulé Yesú, Wanashena mulé Yesú wakalúa ÉNGWÉLÉTÉ, EBOBA ‘ya alamu a banobe.

You might righteous through Jesus, once you leave Jesus you become a threat to your neighbor’s life

Únaandúúba msoka mséa mulé Yesú, wakalúa ÉNGWÉLÉTÉ EBOBA ‘ya mabala ma banobe.

You might be a beautiful girl while in Jesus, once you leave Jesus, you become a threat to your friends’ mariage

Únaandúú wangene m’mwabaka wanashena mulé Yesú wakalúa ÉNGWÉLÉTÉ, EBOBA ‘ya makonda ma banobe,

You might be a handsome man while in Jesus, once you leave Jesus, you become a threat to your friends’ mariage

Olonda londa ÉNGWÉLÉTÉ taélé na meka, malé mabe,bosonu bwa balangamsenge ahineee.

Do not look for a monster with horns, but the real monster is the sin of men and their evil doing

Naicibateca úle Yesú bwibaci túololwa ondengye, Mwami wane alé léshe manga ahi,

Let no one cause me trouble, as I have clinged to Jesus as an ant, my King is so sweet

Waétahéta hao wa èséndé ‘m mabe naema,

I have made up my mind and turned my back to sin

Hèlélé hélélé wa bakadere ‘m ébalo toôlwa,

Do not be tossed to and fro in the world

Bú mangúngú bwa lúbaka mnilé sanana.

No more stubbornness

Ewe î byose, m’byose, mwene byose,

He is all, in all, through all

Abeca â tobeca tose î Yesú,

God of gods is Jesus

Ewe î byose, m’byose, mwene byose,

He is all, in all, through all

Abeca â tobeca tose ï Yesú.

God of gods is Jesus

Ombe wa ngene manga nim’meme niúnde beni,

God is so good, who else can be likened unto him

Abeca â ngene bino nimshike nicange beni,

Such a good God, how can I forsake him and follow anyother

Yesú wa léshe bino nim’meme niúnde beni,

Jesus is so sweet I who else can I compare with him

Ewe î byose, m’byose, mwene byose

He is all, in all, through all

Abeca â tobeca tose î Yesú,

God of gods is Jesus

Ewe î byose m’byose mwene byose,

He is all, in all, through all

Abeca â tobeca tose î Yesú

God of gods is Jesus

Weninga alé Yesú tabalé babélé:

The only begottenSon is Jesus, no other.

Mwami wa bami, mmonya wa batù Yesu,

King of Kings, The Savior is Jesus

Mwami wa ane alamu,

The King of my life

Ta’wabele húnge, taúlé húnge, taúshibe húnge, Alé Yesú weninga wane ehh, mmonya wa batú.

The was no other, there is no other, there will be no other, Jesus is the only begotten Son, the Savior.

Úbe bibyo waúnda Yesú: Lya manga

Do you love Jesus? So much

Únam’mangya bilé: Ale léshe

How can you praise him? He’s so sweet

Nimotoca waúnda Yesú: Lya manga

Do you love Jesus? So much

Únam’mangya bilé: Ale léshe.

How can you praise him? He’s so sweet

Shiéta wanwitú: Acutélwe ú cina lya Yesú acutélwe,

Let the devil be cast down in the name of Jesus

Nimotenda wamwitú: Acutélwe ù cina Lya Yesú Acutélwe.

Let the devil be cast down in the name of Jesus

Shiéta m’mbe welúnga: Acutélwe ú cina lya Yesú, Acutélwe.

Let the devil be cast down in the name of Jesus


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