Rebonds B - Iannis Xenakis (Performed by Gabin Kim)

Описание к видео Rebonds B - Iannis Xenakis (Performed by Gabin Kim)

연주자: 김가빈
_현) 서울대학교 음악대학 기악과 타악전공 (학부)
_2020 제주국제관악콩쿨 1등 없는 2등
_수원시립교향악단 협연
_성남시립교향악단 객원
_한경필하모닉 협연, 객원
_계원예술고등학교 제 41회 정기연주회 협연
_계원예술고등학교 졸업
_Asian Youth Orchestra Festival Member
_Bachelor, Seoul National University, 2019 - present
_2020 Jeju International Brass•Percussion Competition 'Joint Second Place(without first)'
_Collaboration with Suwon , Seongnam, Hankyung Philharmonic Orchestra
_Graduated from Kaywon high school of Arts

Rebonds b is one of the two movements of Rebonds a/b by Iannis Xenakis. Rebonds b is written for five drums and five woodblocks. It is in 4/4 time with regular bar lines as most music is. However, the bar lines don’t serve a musical purpose because the timing of the themes and motifs are not in 4/4 time at any point. A stable of Xenakis’s music is that it is always evolving from within. Rebonds a/b does this be defying bar lines and traditional timings developing each theme slowly over a long time. Each theme goes through many repetitions gradually changing time either by adding notes, extending a rest or something of that kind. Rebonds b does not use any tones or harmonies since the instruments here don’t produce any pitches.
For this kind of music, the composer has to use other variables such as accents,
dynamics, double accents and of course many rhythms. Veteran listeners of percussion music
will also hear the different drums as melodies which makes the experience much more

(Helgi Þorleiksson, 2018, Xenakis Rebonds b 'Preperation, Practice and Performance', p.4, Degree of Bachelor in Music, Kungliga Musikhögskolan)

_Producer: Yong Jin Kim
_General Director: Yoon Jae Hyun

_Film & Audio Editing by 모모스토리

Contact: [email protected]


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