廖丹奕为叶木栖英语补习,二人互相“告白”气跑关心怡 |《班长大人 The Big Boss》精彩片段 EP18 (ENG SUB)

Описание к видео 廖丹奕为叶木栖英语补习,二人互相“告白”气跑关心怡 |《班长大人 The Big Boss》精彩片段 EP18 (ENG SUB)

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▶主演:李凯馨 / 黄俊捷

【Synopsis】This series is adapted from the most popular cartoon with the same name, and this cartoon has more than ten million click rates on the internet. Therein-to, Idol actors will join and play a warm-blooded story of youth.
【Starring】Li Kaixin, Huang Junjie
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#班长大人 #TheBigBoss #ChineseDrama


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