⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ | Method | Basic tutorial of damaging

Описание к видео ⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ | Method | Basic tutorial of damaging

Hey !

Everything explained here works with entities, because is the easiest way to test, to make them work with players, as I said in the video, instead of working with activators related to entity, work with activators related to players, also instead of MOB_AROUND use AROUND, and with that, the placeholders will change, instead of %entity_uuid% will be %target%, and instead of %around_target_uuid% it will be %around_target%.

00:00 | Introduction
00:16 | Adding damage to weapon
02:25 | Applying damage randomly (RNG when the activator works)
04:57 | Applying random damage (RNG of the value of damage applied)
07:15 | Applying effects (unitarget and multitarget)
10:39 | Activator only work when hitting specific entities
11:56 | Showing more commands possibility
13:12 | Applying damage on AREA
16:16 | Entities != Players (Check description)
16:53 | Special case ranged weapons
19:47 | Little explanation of RNG (More info in description)

ExecutableItems Wiki

- AROUND Command (from entityCommands):
- MOB_AROUND Command (from entityCommands):
- Placeholders:
RNG Explanation:
   • ⚔️ ExecutableItems 🔹| RNG Tutorial (R...  

If have any question that isn't explained either here or in the wiki feel free to ask it in Discord   / discord  


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