Form generation of rigid origami by multi objective optimization for approximating curved surface

Описание к видео Form generation of rigid origami by multi objective optimization for approximating curved surface

Parallel Session 35, Hangai Prize Applicants

Kentaro Hayakawa and Makoto Ohsaki (Kyoto University) present their work on rigid origami.

A multi objective optimization method is proposed for form generation of rigid origami with a simple but not regular crease pattern approximating a target curved surface. A polyhedron with triangular facets and fl at polygonal facet with more than three vertices which can be continuously developed to a plane without deformation of its facets can be thus obtained.
When a polyhedron is developable, its discrete Gaussian curvature at each interior vertex is equal to zero. Thus, a multi objective optimization problem is formulated to minimize the Gaussian curvature of polyhedron and to maximize the approximation accuracy of the target surface assuming the rigid origami structure for practical application has some flexibility in in-plane and out-of-plane directions. A frame model is used in form generation, evaluation of infinitesimal mechanism and large deformation analysis using a general finite element analysis software.

Watch their presentation on "Form generation of rigid origami by multi objective optimization for approximating curved surface" from the Spatial Structures 2020/21 Conference.

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