What If Anakin JOINED Ahsoka to Battle Darth Maul on Mandalore

Описание к видео What If Anakin JOINED Ahsoka to Battle Darth Maul on Mandalore

What if Ahsoka AND Anakin battled Darth Maul on Mandalore? Let's explore the depths of it in this video.

Anakin watches the stare down between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. They should be out there fighting Maul and the CIS, not fighting each other, but neither one was willing to budge on what to do about Mandalore. Taking a deep breath, he steps in between them.

Anakin: I'll divide the 501st. Make a new division under Ahsoka's command.

Obi-Wan: Unfortunately, Ahsoka is no longer a part of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Anakin: We'll promote Rex to commander and Ahsoka will go with him as an advisor.

It's not perfect, but both can agree with it. This does raise the question, where will Anakin go? His first instinct is to say to protect the Chancellor. After all, this is the Republic's capital and they need every Jedi they can get.

As he looks at Ahsoka though, he can see that she wishes for him to join her. They haven't seen each other in months and she longs to have her former master by her side. But Ahsoka's words did strike a chord with him. How many times did they have to leave people in need because of politics?

Far more than he would like to admit.

Besides, Obi-Wan was there along with most of the Jedi Council.

Anakin: And I can go to ensure that everything goes as planned.

Obi-Wan is surprised to hear this but knows better than to argue and wishes them good luck.

As expected, they face considerable resistance from Maul's super commandos, encountering heavy resistance from the defenses. Lucky for the 332nd, Ahsoka and Anakin secure a landing zone. The fighting soon spread to the streets, but the 332nd gave the resistance the upper hand.

They are soon storming the palace and capturing Prime Minister Almec. However, Maul remains at large by escaping into the sewers with Anakin and Ahsoka pursuing them. As Almec is subdued, he smirks.

Almec: He knew you'd come, but it's good to see you brought the right Jedi.

Bo-Katan warns them of the trap, but it is too late. As the two Jedi search the sewers, they're ambushed by Maul's troops. They use the tunnels to separate them and pick off the clones until only the two of them are left.

They approach a larger section where Maul is waiting with his commandos.

Maul: Ahhh, you must be Anakin Skywalker. I've heard quite a bit about you.

Anakin: Indeed. You know my master, Obi-Wan.

Maul: Just as you know mine, Darth Sidious. I do wonder if the moment is now upon them.

Anakin: What moment?

Maul: Oh you shall see. You have your part to play, at least you should if you weren't here.

Maul suddenly lunges at them, spinning his lightsaber around and pushing Anakin back. However, Ahsoka joins him, and the two counter and throw their full powers in a Force attack that sends Maul crashing against the wall.

He barely raises his weapon just as their lightsabers come falling. Maul pivots to one side and twists, kicking Ahsoka who stumbles aside.

Anakin helps her but Maul's commandos pour blaster fire on them, forcing him to defend.

Maul: No, not yet. We shall meet again.

He and his troops retreat, leaving Anakin and Ashoka alone. However, that name rings a bell for the two of them as they had previously heard it from Obi-Wan. The two head back to the palace to report their findings.

When they meet with the Jedi Council, they are pleased to hear that Obi-Wan and Mace Windu manage to rescue the chancellor and capture Count Dooku.
Anakin and Ahsoka report what Maul told them and Obi-Wan admits to hearing that name from Dooku, but not believing him. However, if Maul and Dooku say the same thing, then it might be worth looking into.

Unfortunately, Anakin and Ahsoka cannot return to the Jedi Temple as they are still finishing up on Mandalore.

Maul launches several attacks throughout the undercity, capturing Jesse while Gar Saxon assassinates Almec to prevent him from giving any more information. Before he dies, he does reveal the name of the Jedi he is after. It's not Kenobi he wants, but Anakin Skywalker.

The news shakes up Anakin who believes this is a trap and that Maul wants him away from Coruscant for the attack. He insists that the clones pack up and leave to return, but Ahsoka is less certain. She thinks there is more to this than they believe and that they can't go until they've captured Maul.

Rex and Bo Katan point out that they don't have much choice and if they continue to stay there, they risk alienating the population. Before they can discuss it further, the palace doors open to reveal Maul with Jesse as his captive.

The two prepare their weapons, but Maul raises a hand and then lets Jesse go. Rex takes him to get medical treatment while Bo Katan is forced to leave as a battle suddenly begins outside.

Once the Jedi are left alone, Maul stands up and watches the battle.

Maul: sighs We were both tools for greater powers.

Anakin: we're here to bring you to justice.

Maul: Justice is merely the construct of the current power base.


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