"The new species" part 4/5/MLP SV NextGen Speededit/

Описание к видео "The new species" part 4/5/MLP SV NextGen Speededit/

Good Morning/Day/Evening everyone!
Sorry for the little break I've taken since the Aniversary Video TvT

Let's continue with the Main Story!

Characters used:

Queen Twilight Sparkle
??? x ??? = Opal Quartz
Baroness Marble

After the Conversation in the Castle, Twilight immediately flew off with Opal Quartz to find the so-called "hidden area" of Equestria.

It's been a good while since Twilight flew off, and her Wings slowly got tired.

Twilight: " Opal Quartz. Tell me, is it still far away?"

Opal: " I'm sorry your highness, I can tell that you are getting weak but my Power source hasn't started glowing yet."

Twilight: " Why is that Important?"

Opal: " As soon as it starts glowing, I know that I'm close to the entrance!"

Twilight: " Wait, so...YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE WE HAVE TO GO??"

Opal: " I do know that we have to keep on flying over the Everfree Forest. That's what my Highness said."

With an angry look on Twilight's face, she took another deep breath and zoomed off.

As Twilight looked around the Forest below her, lost in the memories that carry all of her past adventures inside those creepy woods that she went onto with her friends, she heard a high-pitched squeak and immediately stopped to look at the little creature that she's been carrying with her magic all along.

Twilight: " What Is it?"

Opal: " See. My Horn is glowing!"

Twilight: " Alright! What now?"

Opal: " We need to go down."

Twilight: " Down...."

The part of the forest below the Queen and her guide was the darkest out of the whole forest.

With a gulp, Twilight slowly flew down and was about to put Opal Quartz onto the ground as a big source of light appeared.

Twilight immediately grabbed Opal and used her magic as light source for herself.

Opal Quartz: " Your highness!"

Twilight: " huh?"

As soon as Opal said the words, a slim, tall Creature came out of the bushes and revealed itself.

???: " Opal Quartz. How glad I am to welcome you back."

As Twilight placed Opal back to the ground, the little creature run to their leader as fast as she could.

Opal Quartz: " Your Highness, you should be resting! What are you doing here?!"

???: " Oh Opal. Who was supposed to open the gate for you and our visitor?"

Opal: " But.. What about the gatekeepers?"

???: " ..."

Opal: " don't tell me they disappeared to..."

The tall creature slowly walked around her little messenger and stood up to Twilight.

???: " Please apologize my rude behavior. I should welcome you first of course. Welcome to the Power Source Garden, Your Majesty."

Twilight: " Uh thank you miss...?"

Opal Quartz: " Your highness, you can't address her as Miss!!"

Twilight: " Oh, sorry! I just... I never.."

??? : " no need to apologize. I know that no one among our little kingdom is aware of our species. If you'd follow me Inside, I'd like to explain a few things to you."

Twilight: " Of course! After all you send me a letter addressing that something terrible happened, and you needed my help."

???: " That is right. Please follow me."

Opal Quartz: " Oh before we go.. Queen Twilight. This is Baroness Marble. Our highness."

Twilight: " It's a pleasure meeting you, Baroness Marble."

Marble: Please just call me Marble."


I hope you liked it so far!

MLP ShowVerse and all the original characters shown in it belong to me and were created my be!!



Music used:
   • [PMV] Let The Rainbow Remind You (µTh...  
   • Aviators - Love is in Bloom Remix (Fe...  
   • [PMV] You´ll Play Your Part (µThunder...  
   • A True, True Friend (Aftermath Remix)  
   • Glass Of Water (Chaos Sprite Remix)  
   • What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me (Sim...  

Have a good day/night!!


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