School Management System Project With Features|| Part -1 || Id card Generate || Attendance.

Описание к видео School Management System Project With Features|| Part -1 || Id card Generate || Attendance.

School Management website. using php,css,java.

Part-2 -    • School Management System Project With...  
★★ Admin Panel -
1. Admission
2. Add Teacher and Others
3. Create Notice
4. Manage Attendance and Update
5. Result Management and Update
6. Students details and Update
7. Fee Management System.
8. Manage Homework /class notes
9. Manage Event and update
10. Multiple Id card Generate
11. Generate Certificate.
12. Website Custom settings.
13. TimeTable
14. Add Subject and combination to class

★★ Teacher Panel -
1. Create Notice
2. Manage Attendance and Update
3. Result Management and Update
4. Students details and Update
5. Fee Management System.
6. Manage Homework /class notes
7. Manage Event and update
8. Multiple Id card Generate
9. Generate Certificate.
10. TimeTable

★★ Accounts Sections Panel -
1. Create Notice
2. Students details and Update
3. Fee Management System.
4. Manage Event and update.
5. Multiple Id card Generate
6. Generate Certificate.

★★ Students Panel -
1. View Profile
2. View Attendance Reports
3. View Or Search Result
5. View Monthly Fees and Other Fees
6. View Homework /class notes
7. View TimeTable
8. Others.

** If you want buy this project.Please Contact us.

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