Creation vs Evolution - Dr. Ralph O Muncaster

Описание к видео Creation vs Evolution - Dr. Ralph O Muncaster

Creation Vs. Evolution Educational Video
by Dr. Ralph O. Muncaster

This video reviews all the crucial data that proves creation science and discredits the evolutionary theory.
Table of Contents:
00:23 - Definition of Terms
02:38 - History of the Debate
07:27 - Probability Analysis
14:24 - Winding the Watch
18:13 - Microbiology
27:00 - Science of Observation, Cambrian Explosion, Species, Mutations
30:30 - Cosmology, Fine-tuned details
37:44 - Life on other Planets
41:00 - Physics, time & space, thermodynamics
46:35 - Miracles & Dimensions
52:10 - Why consider the Bible
58:40 - Young Earth / Old Earth Debate
1:00:35 - Steps of Creation
1:15:15 - Implications
1:17:15 - Considering the Evidence


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