How To Ask For More Money When They Say The Salary Is Non-Negotiable 💸👍💵🤝

Описание к видео How To Ask For More Money When They Say The Salary Is Non-Negotiable 💸👍💵🤝

How To Ask For More Money When They Say The Salary Is Non-Negotiable 💸👍💵🤝

I often have people come to me and ask if they can accept a job interview when they were told the salary is a nonnegotiable rate, and then try to negotiate later. The simple answer is, no. And that’s because companies feel that by being honest with you about the salary, you should be honest with them. That being said, there is a technique you can use to open up the salary conversation. In this video, I break down I teach my clients to show the employer that they are asking for more than what was described in the job description as a way to ask for more money as well.

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