小土地怎樣種甜豆 在盆里长大?how to grow sweet peas in containers 盆栽甜豆的容器不要太小.种植时间在春秋季节,品种要选矮化的.甘い豆の栽培

Описание к видео 小土地怎樣種甜豆 在盆里长大?how to grow sweet peas in containers 盆栽甜豆的容器不要太小.种植时间在春秋季节,品种要选矮化的.甘い豆の栽培



3. 盆栽甜豆,最好選擇矮化的品種來種植.

4. 施肥可採取施足底肥, 早施苗肥,重施花莢肥的方法.

5. 甜豆是既怕澇又怕旱的植物,所以請控制好澆水量
1. Sweet beans are grown twice a year. Under normal circumstances, the planting time of sweet beans is in spring, March-April in the northern hemisphere or September in the southern hemisphere. Or in autumn, September in the northern hemisphere or March-April in the southern hemisphere, the climate is relatively mild and suitable for its growth.

2. The soil should be loose and fertile potting soil.

3. Potted sweet beans, it is best to choose dwarf varieties to plant.

4. Fertilization can be done by applying enough base fertilizer, early application of seedling fertilizer, and heavy application of flower pod fertilizer.

5. Sweet bean is a plant that is afraid of both waterlogging and drought, so please control the amount of watering



3. 盆栽甜豆,最好选择矮化的品种来种植.

4. 施肥可采取施足底肥, 早施苗肥,重施花莢肥的方法.

5. 甜豆是既怕涝又怕旱的植物,所以请控制好浇水量


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