Mortar Mesh Tecnology, Kenya

Описание к видео Mortar Mesh Tecnology, Kenya

Mortar mesh technology uses a simple template of re-usable wooden shutters into which a mix of sand and cement is poured.

The structure is completed with a tin roof, doors, windows and a concrete foundation. Guttering can be added, along with a solar panel and latrine pits. The design can extend to any type of building, with the shutters being used to create different shapes and sizes.

A mortar mesh project would enable local suppliers to prosper, provide an opportunity to teach vocational skills to many people and create employment for masons, carpenters and labourers. It is an easy technology to teach and use, and provides comfortable housing which is environmentally friendly and comparatively cheap to produce.

Moving Mountains intends to develop this technology in areas where we are building homes and schools, offering a chance for donors to get involved in sponsoring and building a structure. In particular, we are proposing a five year strategy with respect to an area called Solio which is currently home to around 18,000 internally displaced people currently living in UNICEF tents.


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