TASHMOO Crowd, Launch of the EDMUND FITZGERALD, and c. 1962 River Traffic

Описание к видео TASHMOO Crowd, Launch of the EDMUND FITZGERALD, and c. 1962 River Traffic


Silent 16mm film beginning with black and white c. 1928 Detroit News newsreel footage of Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association members disembarking from the excursion boat TASHMOO (continued from the end of reel 2015.011.022), followed by color footage of the launch of the EDMUND FITZGERALD on June 7, 1958, and then c. 1962 black and white footage of the Wyandotte Transportation Company freighter WYANDOTTE, the laker SNEATON, and the American Steamship Company freighter ADAM E. CORNELIUS as shot from a beach. The EDMUND FITZGERALD footage captures workers hammering the supports beneath the freighter in preparation for it's launch, and the crowds gathered at Great Lakes Engineering Works. The launch is filmed from an elevated position above the center of the slip into which the freighter slides. An Allied Film Laboratory logo appears at the beginning of the reel.


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