Are There Female Predators?

Описание к видео Are There Female Predators?

The majority of Yautja seen across the various Predator movies, comics, novels, and videogames, appear to be male going by their basic anatomy and body proportions, which does make sense from a Human-perspective, as with us, in nature males would tend to fill the roles of hunters and soldiers, and are more likely to use violence, whether offensively or defensively.
So, if Predators do indeed have males and females like with us, we would be far more likely to encounter male Yautja if they were hunting Humans.
There aren’t many sources which go into the two genders when it comes to Predator lore, and the topic is rarely explored, but there are some examples with Female Predators featured in, or at least mentioned.
Some stories say that the females of the species live mostly on Yautja Prime and its colonies, and rear the young, which are referred to as “Sucklings”, or sometimes “Suckers”, “Pups”, or “Younglings”.
Like Females of the species, infants are mentioned sparingly in extended universe sources and where pictured, appear to be smaller, meeker versions of the adult Yautja.
It is unknown if Yautja are born in litters or if single births are common. However, most siblings observed appear to be similar in age, and come in duos or trios.

Depictions of Female Predators can vary and there is no standard set, as some sources describe them with Human-like Feminine-features, while others show them as looking similar to the males, but even bigger.

Some of the most noteworthy Female Yautja seen include:

Sister Midnight – A Female Predator who features in a comicbook crossover between WitchBlade, Alien, The Darkness, and Predator, called MindHunter.
She joins an alliance with Sara Pezzini and Jackie Estacado to defend the Earth from a Xenomorph infestation.

Big Mama – A Female Yautja from AVP Deadliest of the species, a comicbook where a Predator allies with Humans to defeat the Xenomorph White Hybrid King.

Also, in the videogame Predator Hunting Grounds, Female Predators feature as playable characters to choose from like Cleopatra, Pirate, and Valkyrie.
And in some novels, there are Female Predators featured.

As always, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and I’ll catch you in the next video.

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