Effects of Drug Abuse on the Skeletal and Nervous Systems

Описание к видео Effects of Drug Abuse on the Skeletal and Nervous Systems

While substance abuse is often accompanied by noticeable physical changes, prolonged drug and alcohol abuse can have devastating effects on your insides as well. Substance abuse has been linked to changes throughout the skeletal system. While different drugs have different effects and these effects vary from individual to individual, substance abuse can have lasting and permanent effects on the human body.

00:05 - What do drugs do to the skeletal and nervous systems
00:10 - Osteoporosis
00:34 - Poor bone density
00:59 - Osteomyelitis
01:20 - TMJ and tooth decay
01:40 - Arthritis
01:52 - Central Nervous System

Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse? 📞 888-719-1045

Read more about this topic here: https://www.banyanpompano.com/2020/04...

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